The name comes via the title of one of the extras featured in the movie's home-viewing versions. The mini-documentary, titled Bro Thor, explores Thor's Big Lebowski transformation after he faced off with Thanos and misaimed his axe Stormbreaker to disastrous consequences.
Movie Avengers Endgame BLURAY Digital Extras
In addition to the theatrical cut of the film delivered in high-fidelity, both the digital and physical versions will contain almost a dozen extras. Most are featurettes centered on the most important Avengers, like Iron Man, Captain America, and Black Widow, plus the usual offerings like gag reels and deleted scenes (one of which may be screened this weekend for the theatrical rerelease).
Infinity War was such a beautifully odd duck. It's a very serious, very weighty film that also happens to have some very funny moments as well as some really great and fun action scenes (The whole fight on Titan against Thanos still makes me a bit giddy after several viewings. It's just so fun. And c'mon -- Thanos pulls down and throws a MOON at Iron Man!). The ending was a much talked about jaw-dropper in which Thanos--the film's big bad (and really the looming evil over much of the 18 films before it)--gets all six "Infinity Stones" and literally wipes out half of the universe. The UNIVERSE--not just Earth! Half of ALL beings is gone. That's how the movie ends. Granted, Marvel only scared and dismayed a portion of their fanbase, because news of sequels involving characters that were erased included Spider-Man (who has a new movie out this summer), and other characters--like Black Panther--had just smashed the box office, and we're supposed to believe he's gone for good already? C'mon. So we all knew Avengers 4 would at least have to bring back SOME of the erased people somehow. Titled after what Doctor Strange states is "We're in the endgame now" (after he gives up the Time Stone to save Tony Stark/Iron Man's life), Avengers: Endgame takes place after half of the universe was wiped out, and it serves as a finale for the Marvel films we've been watching since Iron Man debuted in 2008.
Watched Blood Machines, a pretty cool movie. Well, I actually watched Knocks Schiller (Also mods, admins, please don't censor the name, Knocks Schiller is not the guy's real name) (Who backed the movie on Kickstarter and received a digital copy for it) stream it on one site where multiple people can watch it.
I know I'm YEARS late to the party, but I finally went through all of my DVD/Bluray's and went online and entered all the little digital codes for online movies. Even though many of the paper slips said they expired, they actually still worked. I only ended up with a handful of movie codes that actually did expire. 2ff7e9595c